Dan Reynolds - Departure Delayed?

2014-06-16 2

I caught a thread upon a nail, unravelling my thoughts
of flashing lights and siren's wail and children in their cots
Of such urbane banality with apathetic gaze
each Zombie-esque fatality adds more to the malaise.

' I cannot live this city life, this claustrophobic cloak,
The 'Gun' has now replaced the 'knife', the scum replace the common folk.
I cannot bear to raise a child amongst such filth and fear
I sense, your mother will go wild, on her return when we're not here.
What Promised Land awaits we two, what scant reward and praise?
What horrors wait for me and you, what plagues to wreck our woeful days? '

I took the pillow from the bed. Approached. 'You sleep so soundly, Jack.'
That smile stunned, as you turned your head.
Disturbed, I put the pillow back.

Dan Reynolds
