Mike Michaels - Have You Met The Universe?

2014-06-16 6

I was privileged to meet the Universe one find and pleasant day,
I must confess, it took me by surprise, so I had very little to say.
It was vast, deep and mysterious, it beheld me with indifference
and filled me with the sense that I overestimate my own significance.
It did not seem impressed by our culture or biology
I'm sure I perceived a smirk when I introduced it to our science and technology.
Had it eyes, they surely would have twinkled.
From within a face weathered, wise and wrinkled.
When it spoke, it was not with sound; something you could hear
but it touched every ounce of me; provoked wonder tinged with fear
It suffused my being, permeated to my core
And I realised then I never want to know the Universe's roar
It said: ' I was here when you came, I was here long before and I will still be here when you are no more
I will always be, I have been for all time, I was here in the beginning, I am the stars that shine
I am the vacuum, I am matter, I am spacetimes curl
I am the debris of colliding galaxies that became your world
I am all suns, all moons, every beam of light
I am each mote of dust drifting through the perpetual night
I am energy and motion, I am all histories unrecovered
I am the wonders and mysteries that remain to be discovered
your mind cannot contain my empty immensity
nor your reason scale my Nature's complexity
to know me all is beyond mere human ability
so bow your head, embrace humility
do not be chagrined, please let me explain
these things will not matter when we are one again.'

Mike Michaels


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