Manta Rogers - Far Away, Yet Close

2014-06-16 17

You may be far,
But that won't stop me
From thinking about you.
You are my long time friend,
Even if you like to
Hang with you boyfriend more
(Truth to tell,
I'm starting to hate his guts,
You hadn't returned my calls for so long) .
You make me cry with laughter,
Because of all the small pranks you would play on me,
Or Tessa.
Only you, and Tessa,
Can get my out of my full depress state.
I miss you,
And we are always together,
As friends,
No matter how far away we are.
Don't go moving so far away again.
At least get a car,
So you can drive
To visit.
You are weird.
And cool.
And probably my only friend
Who is a 19 year old.
At least get a job
That has a computer,
So you can mail me back.

I miss you both,
And I wish you could read this.
But you wouldn't know
I made an account
Would you?

(Note: I wasn't fully aware of what i was typing, i think. But i was thinking of my friends, which led me to type this. Please, please, no rude comments.)

Manta Rogers