rosalinda flores martinez - If Tonight

2014-06-16 10

Tonight I will hide from the world
And sleep with my sorrows

I will remember how in my delusion
You are real, like my flesh

Heavens say my lovers are angels
And so does unreal stories

Now I'm a frozen battlefield
Of thoughts which I couldn’t draw

My mortal body lay alive shielded,
And unharmed
It abhors those, unlike you

Would I ask GOD why He called me
To pen about your surrendering self to Him?

I just adore your lovely hands that raise up
Your fragrant mouth that tastes nothing but grapes
Your lucid eyes like stars and spring
I curl in humility where you love only GOD

When I see you with other women
Holding tight and even, if kissing only friends,
I feel furious
I can see your imperfections haunting me
Like a world of explosion on my being

I am your mother who weeps
Your daughter who seeks you
Your wife who gets your shoes
Your sister feeding your kitchen

I have no face

If you forget me, I have gone miles away
I have left with traces of my dreams
Burned under boiling sun rays

If only for tonight,
Find me
Let me hide from the world
So I can know myself.

vietnam rose 2009
done 7: 05 philippines
march 28,2009

rosalinda flores martinez