Everyone wants me to be everything they've ever wanted me to be.
Yet, they don't understand that I'm only one man, I'm gonna need help.
I've always been the type of person who, I never like to see anyone
disappointed, especially if I know it's probably my fault, or if I could've
avoided them being upset. It's like I have nowhere to turn now.
Everyone's taking control of me. Seems like the world's got a role for
me. Even though on the outside, I smile, laugh, joke, and act crazy
with everyone, I hide behind a mask. I feel like a mirror, everyone sees
a bit of themselves in me, but no one thinks of asking me what I think,
no one ever takes the time to see to understand the real me the man
behind the mask. I feel invisible. Even when I say 'Hello world, this is
me! ! ' No one hears me. I try to remember that I am above those who
hate me, and talk about me, and abuse me, because I know that there
ignorance has become greater than who they have become. Even as I
keep that in mind, and my sinful human body still feels emotional Despair
Jamal Brown