Bindu Vidyadhar - Subtleties of Karma

2014-06-16 5

The Law of Karma prevails till a purpose is to serve
Handing out in just measure whatever we do deserve
Until we are not one with our own breath
The cycle repeats itself; birth and death

It surpasses every line of defense
Seems blind and brutal; but not to take offense
It is equal to all; it knows no difference
Subtly it works driven by Love immense

Else how can we explain a little babe born lame?
What has it done to deserve such blame?
Unfold the past; there lies the reason
Those in suffering, take heart, those are the chosen

The fruits of our actions are what we have in hand
We fret and fume because we fail to understand
Conscious actions; in our minds we ought to keep
Seers of yore have said, “What you sow, so you reap”

Karma sees to it that energy follows thought
Suffering can end if the mind is brought to naught
Self enquiry and contemplation transpires
What a waste it is to hold selfish desires

Any of our actions will never go in vain
Unknowingly we inflict upon another pain
There is no other; only a collective conscious Self
So what we do unto another, we do unto our self

The past need not project into the future
The present is the gift we are given to nurture
Accepting the present; the past it can dissolve
The purpose of Karma is this; that all of us evolve

19th Oct 2009

Bindu Vidyadhar

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