Nickey Mason - Face to face with a miracle

2014-06-16 18

there was this girl
who i found walking
down the street. she
was cold and lost. she
had so many stories
to tell.

when she was a baby
she had got dehydrated
and had got second
degree burn and had to
spend four days in
the hospital.

when she was growing
up, she watched her mom
get hit by a car, just
laying there on the ground.

when she was four
she had dreams
about dying. she
was thrown off
a banister three
stories up.

when she was six
she was rapped by
a clown who she was
suppose to call uncle.

when she was eleven
she tried killing herself
because she was tired
of dealing with everything.

when she was twelve
she was hospitalized
cuz she fainted
when she was smoking.

when she was thirteen
she met this boy who
she gave her heart to
but he took advantage
of it. he cheated on her
constantly and he flirted
with other girls in front of
her face. but the sex was great.

when she was fourteen
she met this other boy
who she didnt want to
give her heart to but he
took it anyway. he has
been so nice to her. he
loves her, treats her right,
and give her what she
wants. he says he want to
marry her. he wants to have
her kids some day. she adores
him. she wishes she neva
met him, though. she doesnt
want to feel this way. all her
life, she has cared about
nothin.....until now. he has
turned her life around so
much. but what happens
next. now she is glad he
took her heart. she loves
him so much and doesnt
want to lose him.

oh, and by the way,
her name is nickey.

*aka* dat girl nickey

Nickey Mason