Of sort it animates the scene,
Like the flapping wings of a bee,
Like the twinkling crown of a queen,
Like the crimped ridges of the sea,
Star-likened that has ever been.
Sparking within that clutches me free
To mount within a flight so keen,
To heart deep it works as the key
Makes me sing as the words I glean.
Sunshine within me it beams is glee.
Love and joy so I dance with sweet,
Profound so in a sense I feel.
Charmed beauty I delight to meet,
To me is of sensuous appeal.
I enter poem's depth, to so greet
Me in its world that so did heal
Me of harsh life it did delete,
Strong for me to sink in a deal
Huge with tenderness truly neat
For love to wax as strong as steel.
Obinna Kenechukwu Eruchie