Smoky Hoss - Appreciations

2014-06-16 3

The birds clean out the feeder
on a cold winter day;
squirrels and jays, all my furry and feathered friends
get their fill, once again.
Do they appreciate the daily free meal?
Offered with grace, and no need to steal.
I do not know... nor care;
for tis I who appreciate them, and what they share,
all their beauty and song, that freely they bring to me,
on these gray days when the sun refuses to shine,
and the earth hides it's smile behind cold cloudy lines.

Who truly appreciates the wonderous works of God?
other than small children
animals and birds,
trees and grasses
and some old poets broken down words;
perhaps just a few reflective adults
who embrace natures peace and joy
found in simple sticks and stones;
those superlative souls who do their best to see,
not with eyes alone.

Against all odds
birds do sing, and
hearts do see,
beauty and grace
truly are forever,
and free.

Smoky Hoss

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