Someone tried to make me smile
and she did
Just like that, out of the blue
She was you!
On this day suddenly I felt so sad
coming across old memories I didn't know I had
and I paused to write the feelings down
But not for you to stumble on them and make you feel bad or frown
You're reading my poems
Feelings that even to those close to me
are as of yet, mostly unknown
today I feel lost and so alone
My friend, who I just did meet
Please don't be so fleeting
I felt blessed with our meeting
and felt to your caring heartbeat
My writing is snippets of emotion
Not meaning to hurt and cause commotion
but rather to heal and mend
appreciative of the fragile gift of finding a friend
So let me turn your frown back into a smile
Feel at home in my company
Stay for a longer while
And later judge me after we've walked hand-in-hand for a mile
But for now, let me thank you for your smile!