Rita Hawkins - Soliders Do Not Deserve This

2014-06-16 1

They die,
they cry,
but no one seams to listen.
This war needs to end,
Someone needs to stop and think...
Who's friend are we killing today
Who's day
dad will not come home...
Who's child will roam because they never had a dad to be there.
Who is missing out on their mother's care.

This is not fair on their 'folks'
They are not at peace anymore....
They know their loved one can croke.

To make it worse we do not care after the one's who survive get home
It is like we owe them nothing
They are left to die thinking how their life will never stop sucking.

When will America see...
When will the president care and listen to the families plea..
We are the key to them living...
After all we do elect our leaders' then follow like a bee makes honey.

Please hear me....
We need someone to care for them...
and not only one can do it there are too many men and women.
Those who have kids please see it caould be your son,
The married couples understand it could be your wife or husband.

Stop this war....
We need to do what it is we need to do and get them home,
Before it is too late stop causing more problems for them.

Rita Hawkins
