Barry A. Lanier - Living Life With Barry III

2014-06-16 14

Guys, we have just got to do a little better! Expanding on my research with the ladies in my counseling class, I have some alrming news for you. The ladies the to think we are a littlle unromantic. They think the only time we think about a candlelight dinner is when the power goes out. About the only time we give them roses is when we're in trouble or we want sex. And fellows, don't you know that foreplay is supposed to last longer than 5 minutes! Now guys, we've got to change our ways and change these stereotypes. Some of them think also that maybe we're a little dumb. They say the reason we hum and whistle on the toilet is to remember which end to wipe. We need to be more pro-active with the ladies, and pretend we enjoy shopping at the mall. They think the only reason we go with them is to go to Victoria's Secret and peek inside the dressing rooms. And don't ask her to see if they have a neglice with a Dallas Cowboys logo on it! They really do think we are to obsessed with watching television, sports events, and drinking beer. Might we try watching a few soap operas with them, and guys start sipping a little wine with the ladies! My hypothesis is that we can change the perception that we are male, chauvinist, pigs which we are, but lets work on perceptions. They also tend to think we have this problem with directions. We think we have this paternal instinct and internal compass, which we do, but guys on the next night out, ask her to help you with the directions to the place you're going. Gosh, we have so much work to do, and hello guys, quit picking your noses and scratching your balls in public. Hey they are on to us! Well, gosh I'm exhausted for tonight. Keep the passion flowing, the peas in the pot, and the ham cooking.


soap operas

Barry A. Lanier