The smile you gave the liftman
Or security was it, the Hi you said
On your way out from work
The respect you gave your parents
The affection towards siblings
The love for your wife
Children and Grand children
You have and the renewed vows
By which you share again
Love, affection, support and care
All that you give – Today
May seem as if all is just
Taken for granted, but
Silently each heart acknowledges
Even now the love you give
The friends you have
The days of joys shared
In their sorrows you wept with
The advice and encouragement
All that you give and gave
Will never ever be in vain
The poems you wrote
The inspiration that you are
And remain to be till the end
The strength which flows from you
To strengthen other souls in pain
A speck of dust we are, it’s true
The selfsame holds the spark
Of new life to come.
I would rather have you here
And keep thinking of you
Every hour, every second too
But, if and when it comes and
When you are gone, remember
There’ll be reasons a zillion
To remember and people a million
Who would always remember you!
Angelina Pandian