Angelina Pandian - Music Within

2014-06-16 2

The bird sings from deep within
Crying out plaintively – Now aloud
Resonating from all sides – I ask,
“Where are you singing from? ”
Now softly, a mere moan
But, continuously singing
The bird pours forth its heart.
A captive soaring with clipped wings
The bird tries to fly – But,
The voice, the lament,
The plea to be set free
The upturned eyes filled with tears
The longing to leave behind the past
And soar across horizons,
All these remain in my heart.
There is an empty space within my heart
Where my soul lives without a mate,
Her wings clipped by duty
Caged by traditions and society,
Her cry is heard in my songs
Her voice looks out of my eye.
The sadness so heavy
The tears so real - Alone
Singing music to the world
Unable to share the sorrows
Bearing its burdensome loneliness
Alone, alone, all alone
The solitary bird sings
From deep within my soul!

Angelina Pandian