Obinna Kenechukwu Eruchie - You In My Eyes

2014-06-16 2

You, queenly I behold in my heart-warm eyes.
True it is to be told, my core wherein lies
Hue of love to unfold happiness that flies.
New feeling that did mold me to mount to skies
Blue with impetus bold in joy that does rise,
Due as freedom not old, with drive that supplies.

Mood soaring from you whole and fitting I find,
Good enough to my soul, honey of my mind.
Food you are to boost role of mine to be shined,
Stood me up not to bowl and lurch with eyes blind.
Hood you with words to troll us in bliss to bind.
Glued to you is the toll to have us entwined.

Obinna Kenechukwu Eruchie