hasmukh amathalal - No one has right

2014-06-16 1

No one has right to speak
About woman and make her position weak
Not even women themselves
As she has divine traces

Who has evaluated her correctly?
So many words are used in her praise readily
On public function or well decorated stage
She is taken to highest peak with age

It is all deception we show to the world
We are same people living in cruel fold
We forget that woman is sacred mother too
How can we be different to her?

Why do we not see with ugly eyes to sister?
Why do we become animal when see her alone?
Why at all she should be molested and raped on road?
Some of the answers we really need to load in mind

I find ready made arguments
That deserves not even good comment
Even harsh sentence won’t serve any purpose
It is our mentality that has to be cursed

The world has to survive so the women too
Her role is pivotal and that fact has to be understood through
At least she needs to be protected in public places
With us she is only one of the best divine faces

hasmukh amathalal


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