hasmukh amathalal - Good Old Days

2014-06-16 1

I get puzzled
When rain dazzles
Thunder storm creates ripple in spine
It takes me away from feeling fine

It reminds of good old days
When I was searching ways
To be with you forever
You too were eager

It is not the body
That longs today
But those soothing words
That makes me to look forward

I want to hold time
Not miss moment any time
I want to hear from you
The words that has yet to prove true

I vaguely remember
And form painting on paper
Your face reminds me of whole of world
Even thought you might have been bold

We both dreamt of new order
It was nice event to remember
If you have today in your hand
Think of my tomorrow friend

Where will you take me?
To the grave as fulfilled and free
Man of great satisfaction in life
And you by my side as very good wife

I clearly see both the horizons meet
I am eager to see you and greet
Will sun shine with great delight?
I want same strength to witness light

hasmukh amathalal
