Reyvrex Questor Reyes - Love Sonnet 89: 'Our eyes meet as we cruise a two-way street, '

2014-06-16 4

Our eyes meet as we cruise a two-way street,
And while passing by, I threw you a line
Which I now repeat what I said to greet:
Can we tryst sometime in dreams, yours or mine?
I know not your times, your wits or wisdom,
Yet your smile declares your heart heads my way,
Or else, promises more of you to come,
As the rain that my craggy lands would pray;
But, you came as storm, more than I expect,
Sweeping me away, to be skyward flown,
Not a night, I, from sleeplessness protect,
For in white waters I might yet get thrown;
.......Not in floods, but in sorrows I bereave,
.......If dried up I'll be soon after you leave.

Reyvrex Questor Reyes