hasmukh amathalal - For honor

2014-06-16 6

Evil raises head
To make some one dead
Rapes her identity
To create hell and pity

Such is lawlessness scene
Previously it was never seen
Now raising its head again
To cause dishonor and pain

Death sentence is pronounced
Their departure may be announced
Parents may lament about misadventure
Only to face dark future

It may not halt
As there lies fault
In our system
And in cultural theme

Someone may blame late night appearance
Forcing young boys to take chance
They may go for taking an advantage
The darkest hour is likely to be inked on page

Cruelty has passed human level
Only animals quality prevail
But they restrain after mating session
We go through with thirsty passion

One or two hang outs may not work
Some deterrent signal l must go as warning word
Media must come out strongly in favor
And stand firm with whatever they could do for honor

hasmukh amathalal
