hasmukh amathalal - Dream for heaven

2014-06-16 1

I shall dream for no heaven
If God comes to offer it even
I strive for no salvation
That is final resolution

I see many people dare talk and simply are out
Live under illusion and talk about
I fail to understand why do they seek?
No birth again even when their case is very weak

Many God fathers and missionaries
Misguide the people about poverty and miseries
Impress upon them to be aware of His curse
Even though God is so lenient on all of them of course

Take the torch in their hand and claim to be holy
Where as they are to be blamed wholly
For leading immoral life and setting bad example
Where as people suffer under tyranny and face the trouble

How many poor people are taken care of with their concern?
When have they been facilitated to have audience in turn?
Lower cast and upper cast, rich and poor
All have been treated alike and kept at door

I wish to be here on lovely earth
If granted wish to have birth
I shall love to work with people
Who have nothing in fact even after struggle?

What shall I get in heaven after death?
Reassurance of having no birth
Easy life spending with no worry
I shall fold the hand and say