Jimmie Arrington - #345 The Corner Store

2014-06-16 13

I've walked down this busy street before,
All these cars and shops, I've seen.
Just up ahead there's a corner store,
Wherein there dwells a queen.

I approach, my heart starts jerking,
My feet plant themselves like a tree.
Oh! Now I see her in there working,
She never seems to notice me.

She gives each customer a smile,
Offering assistance if they need.
She chats with those that say a while,
Then waves farewell as they recede.

I wish I could stay until the sun sets
Then see her in the midnight glow.
But I must be off with my regrets,
Dreaming of the day I stop in and say hello.

I've walked passed this busy street before,
Now these cars and shops depart.
Just behind me is a corner store,
Wherein there dwells my heart.

Jimmie Arrington
