'You have brain tumor and few days to live'
My eyes remained wide and hardly could believe
I had few problems with my headache and food appetite
No hunger, anger in no time and less sleep in nights
I had observed this change since many days
I was well off and had enough of means to find the ways
The medical cure was distinct possibility
I lost no hope for future and trusted the final destiny
I had been different for all these years
Life had posed so many difficulties with fears
I only know how could I come out of such stage?
The hunger felt for many days could not have been written on page?
I had taken vow not to suffer any more poverty
It was certainly curse on the person and humanity
How can any single soul sleep without meal?
It was felt badly by me as an unequal deal
I thought for a while an worked day and time
I forgot to take regular meal even sometimes
I cared for no day and night and thrived to collect money
I thought this was the only means and successful key
Not to mention means or make note of my journey
I had taken it as challenge and demand of the destiny
For me means was no end but a start of first step
The water was to flow smoothly from the water tap
The wealth flowed in enormous quantity
It was purely credited to my personal capability
I had worked day and night to come up to that level
Rest everything spoke of my success and story to tell
In doing so I deteriorated my health
Nothing could come to my rescue including wealth
For the first time my spine shivered
Death was smile from distance and murmured
My story may not be different from others
So many die in streets and so many die in field like soldiers
Yet death takes them over even if they are poor or rich
Life can be made beautiful and within easy reach
hasmukh amathalal