O Lord, are you in the maya,
Or, the maya is in you.?
Are you in the body,
Or is the body in you?
Is the view in space,
Or the space is in the seen?
Or do both be in the eye?
Is the eye in buddhi,
Or the buddhi in the eye?
O! Hari! Do both exist in thee?
Is the sweetness in sugar,
Or sugar in sweetness?
Or are they together in the tongue?
Is the tongue in buddhi,
Or the buddhi in the tongue?
O Hari! Do both exist in thee?
Is the flower in fragrance,
Or the fragrance in the flower?
Together are they in the smell?
O Aadikeshava of Kaginele
Of incomparable prowess!
These are beyond my grasp!
Isn't all in thee?
Kanaka Dasa