Good bye humanity.
You’ve torn me flesh by flesh.
Into little tiny pieces.
You’ve left me unkempt.
Goodbye skies,
Full of starry skies
You’ve left me
Feeling unholy,
You’ve left me with no one else.
Goodbye all clean air.
Every breathe is scarce
You’ve left me gunpowder.
You’ve left me with no where to stare
All the sex has deranged you
All the wine made your taste bitter
All the drugs have been left to poison you
All the flesh left to tear
Goodbye humanity.
Just look what you’ve done
Left me with no place to run to
Left no stone undone
Goodbye all the peace.
Just a speck in sky
Rarely seen through all the smoke
Just a speck lost in time
Goodbye all the people.
You’ve changed it all
You’ve left me with tea parties
You’ve left me like a stub
So I bid goodbye to all the people
The people who just left me this way.
To live die and rot
I think I’ll just die anyway.
Viraj Gupta