As an poet I was little afraid
As virus threat was often laid
Computer stood silent for many days
This was unknown trap laid in many ways
I politely said for being an ordinary poet
Preferred to write in low tones and remained quiet
Assessed the mood correctly and wrote in earnest
It was just an approach to serve it at best
I was blamed by many as having soft corner
Poets are generally believed to be good poetry lovers
Move easily with sentiments and Played lovingly
I laughed at criticism and went on willingly
She knew about some local language
Some of the words were put and managed
I could not conrol but laughed and expressed
I appreciated her and skillfully assessed
She said about her appreciation of life
Happy in home with kids and leadig as very godo wife
Poetry as her second best choice to express sentiments
I was moved with her resolute approach and movement
I don't how she made her forceful impact!
I had no reason to offer and certainly act
She was coming near with all her creations
It was full of authentic assertion and presentation
She may stay as long runner
I presumed and felt as beginner
She had intent of improving wih time
I saw in her a well known potess for times to come
I was drawing near her
Her approach was nice and friendlier
Why not? All poets must exchange fairly
Love the work, read it patiently and preserve dearly
(to be continued)
hasmukh amathalal