“MY little flower”
Christmas is fast approaching and nearing
Whole year we were threatened and fearing
What will be the forecast for the whole year?
Any how I dream about an hear some good music in ears
I wish to put many light on Christmas tree
With flowers boom around it to grow free
I love those pretty flowers in different colors
As if freshness has just arrived after showers
I wish to remain them in same position
With fragrance and smell in good combination
How cute and good they look to see with eyes?
Memory suddenly rushes in mind and make me cry
She had made first entry in our home few years ago
I was childless and it was entire the time hurting ego
Now so beautiful flower is in my garden
It adds to our joy and happiness even
Now when I look at her it adds to worry
I may be without her after sometime and feel sorry
She may have her own wings and fly away
She is indeed butterfly and searching the way
I wish her to grow in elegant style
Have her own way and move for a while
Who knows what will be she in days to come?
But whatever be the luck, she will always be welcome
Today I am decorating house with good faith
Wishing entire community and world with no more deaths
Let peace and harmony prevail among all walks of life
Let the life move smoothly and free from any strife
hasmukh amathalal