hasmukh amathalal - Silent March

2014-06-16 1

Love has always ruled human mind
Acted over long horizon very kind
It has provided very hard core
Only strong resolve needed to explore

We have inherited it from seasons
No one troubles anybody without reasons
If you go against nature then you are inviting the wrath
Devastation all over that is including death

To change it is to welcome and dominates the scene
Such attitude has fascinated us and always seen
After all love has been at the central core
Even poorest of poor go for it and adore

It is been seen at every level but with difference
We draw the lesson with different inference
Even animals provide clue as how to tackle life
In crisis we should remain calm and avoid use of knife

Love wins love and hate inflames hate
In no case, hate can reign supreme or relate
It has no edge over love in showing passion
Eyes speak when question of showing compassion arises

No religion has advocated preaching of violence
We should avoid any such occasion hence
Not that world can be won over with complete annihilation
Still void may not be filled and remain burning question

Why world peace has remained still a distant dream?
Why is it that we don’t even reach or it seems?
There remains some distrust and enough of confidence
We need to explore and give love with peace a chance

We have shed enough of blood on name of land and religion
Still it has remained illusion to build stable region
We are unable to worship almighty without fear
Lot more agony, misery, pain and hardship to face and bear

Let us not carry any sign of religion but bear a love torch light
Strong resolve at heart with olive branch and silent march to fight

hasmukh amathalal
