Helen Vann - No Flogging But This

2014-06-16 8

Perhaps from some
deep-rooted insecurities
steeped in childhood issues
some have sought to prove
superiority through perfection

Demanding the same from others
knowing only few to match
if ever
tests to see who can
whom to keep to let go
to watch

Those in perfection presence
may want to measure up
as some subconsciously fail
in an effort to prove humanity
to see whether perfection will
allow acceptability
perhaps exception

Promoting excellence
greatly commended still
insisting upon perfection
for some disappointment shall
become quitters
who know they'll never
fit that bill
as those who are perfect
in doing - will

Be those for whom
work in ways demand
only careful doers
accomplish exact intentions
executive excellent
plans ~

Helen Vann


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