Frank James Ryan Jr...FjR - Quite Sensual In Nature...

2014-06-16 13

Beneath the arbored root of nature
life breaks ground as consequence
of winter-seed, sweet morning dew,
stimulating Earth with renaissance.

And, Earth, like man stands firm, protects,
aroused by the sense of young flowers
to stem, moisten, blossom and glow,
be pleasured, flowers must be.

And their majesty, femininely poised in curve
opens quite sensually with incipient veil, yet-
beckoning attention by her perfumed scent,
to be wooed, nurtured and satisfied.

Mother Nature will challenge with envious scorn,
threatening the glorious stage of each floral,
discharging her elements with angst and fury,
until Earth like man stands firm, provides
all the flower requires to flourish, be pleasured-
and revel in the essence of her warm, fertile soil.

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Frank James Ryan, Jr./FjR

Frank James Ryan Jr...FjR