Christian Hudak - Vetoed

2014-06-16 5

Hesitant to speak, she holds her tongue
Shifting her wait to her back leg
Her thigh muscles tense, her back arches
Shoulders widen, and even more so
Her amber brown eyes ream open, fastened before her
She gazes upon a golden man
Reddened in roman paint
'What a beautiful man' she tells herself
'What a man' Aloud
She eludes her timidness, and approaches him
This man - this gladiator, reluctant of his cause here
Has not made a sound yet
She reaches him, lays her hand upon his chest
'How will you have me? ' She asks
Glaring within those clear amber eyes
A rigid look upon his face, he replies with unsparing timbre
'I will not have you'
She was truly beautiful, and he did not aim to offend
'Why. do you refuse me, am I not pleasing? '
'I have no desire to lay with a woman who has been commanded to do so'
The slave woman steps back, slamming the iron gates behind her
'Fine, I will leave then'

Christian Hudak