hasmukh amathalal - Oh, My God

2014-06-16 5

Oh God, when will I be dead?
When will I sleep on rose bed?
You are the only master and creator
I beg to pray you only and no other

You have made beautiful world to live in
So many objects wonderfully exist on earth green
I would love to be part of existing world
Very nice system and to feel pulse in divine fold

Why all of sudden blessing shower?
Why is that happiness descending on fewer?
Who can guide us the correct path to move on?
Only plight will be awaiting if we aimlessly run

Why to look at beautiful things and lament?
Curse from within and to offer useless comments
God doesn’t differentiate between bad or good
He may rush to you in time if you have honestly stood

Most of the good thing may perish
There life will be like small fish
But spend as much time in happiness as possible
God may take you to the new height so as to prove capable

Think not about tomorrow and die today
That is not the correct or right way
He may be taking care of every insect
Only person should come up with honest and noble act

hasmukh amathalal
