hasmukh amathalal - A human body

2014-06-16 5

We have human body and flash
We no futility of it but still clash
There is realization later on
When nothing is won

The life still goes on
No stoppage in between
It is seen with hands together
No one looks around and bother

The whole life is spent
Our back is already bent
We barely walk with some support
No way to find to find good port

The ship is bound to run aground
The sea worthiness is not found
It has long sea routes to follow
The circumstances may not allow

You may still go on with journey
You may be starved of money
There may be scarce means for livelihood
No help may be coming from neighbourhood

You look so helpless
Life has become rudderless
It may not have any guiding force
You have to spend the rest of life with remorse

You have already unmanageable old age
You feel helpless and confined to cage
You may be burning within out of rage
You may miss the letters to write on page

Still it is not mire or mirage
You got to make or create the mileage
To enjoy the old age is privilege
All later years you got to hold on and manage

hasmukh amathalal
