hasmukh amathalal - A pure cheating

2014-06-16 0

I never knew it was cheating
It came as rude shock and devastating
I lost the grip and started melting
It was really the end of dating

Though it sprang a surprise
It was sudden fall from rise
It tought me enough to be wise
I was to pay for it a heavy price

You commited a treachery and made “u” turn
It was signal that you may not return
It started all the desires from inside to burn
How was I to face the reality in turn?

I can’t leave the burning house
It has left so much patience to rouse
I might have lost enogh of the courage
I am still in position to manage

It was not bound to happen
It did upset me now grouse has come in open
I must curb it from raking the controversy
I should tak to terms and remain busy

It may divert me from real scene
The pathetic conidtion is never seen
In the terrrible situation I have been
Though I am not much enthosusiatstic or keen

She may realize it and repent
I shall still offer no comment
It is not the way you break or make
The relation should always look genuine and not fake

I wonder how peoaple can face it easily?
How can they beat a person mercilessly?
If not physically then by treacherous action?
What else can be our outburst or reaction?

I shall remain calm and cool
Once only you can be made fool
No one can be blamed for this solitary action
It may add more bitterness and friction

hasmukh amathalal


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