It is not simple alarm or aimless signal
It coveys powerful message in original
If we don’t wake up to the distress call
Buildings and palaces will collapse and fall
Not a single human being will survive
Return of cold age with no sign of life
Nature seems turning against with fury
We can’t afford to be silent with luxury
Epic centers change their position
It seems this is beginning or transition
We may not believe in superstition
We can’t shun our eyes to the real composition
Millions loose their lives with sudden tragedy
Houses get destroyed as if to look as comedy
We watch it helplessly with no voice to rise
Accept the fate as it may not remain as surprise
It is not the quake alone that plays havoc
Earth is torn apart at many places or in block
Situation may arise when continents may submerge
New world map may appear as reality or emerge
We stand no chance to enjoy real nature
Many birds may not have habitat in future
No green grass for animals to graze
Sun rays may be all set to put everything ablaze
Whole world is reeling under severe cold
Miseries have increased many many folds
Cold waves sweep entire areas of globe
Who can stop this fury is only last hope?
Nothing can convince the world leaders
Only strong opinion can be asserted by readers
We should come forward with one voice
Except to raise the banners, we have no choice
Opinion or no opinion, we must come forward
This can be considered as real work for no reward
World may be saved from near extinction
We should have clear goal in mind without distinction
hasmukh amathalal