hasmukh amathalal - Lazy Person

2014-06-16 4

Nothing goes to lazy person
Who watches across high seas with reasons?
Does nothing but waits for hidden treasures
To strike at shore in near future

Nothing may be available by simply watching
Yield can only be in hand by catching
One needs to touch rising tidal waves
immerse the legs in and venture to be brave

Sea adventure is one of the hazardous sports
No ships can anchor without paying penalty to port
You need favorable wind and clear weather
Then only traffic will be smooth and easier

For exploring vastness, you need lion’s heart
This it self is god gift and invaluable art
It needs great patience and endurance
That may never turn into reality out of ignorance

Sea becomes rough when threatened by climate
It may raise waves to dangerous level and hate
Bring to shore whatever is in vast belly
You can collect it later on happily

What do we look at sea with threatening waves?
Go away from the shore when made a good chase
Or stay back and wait for to subside and calm down
The ultimate result is already made known

In life reward goes to only those who dare
Struggle for and are prepared to go anywhere
Don’t show lust or greed for precious treasure
But take all precautions and necessary measures

hasmukh amathalal
