Herbert Nehrlich 2 - Rhyming

2014-06-16 3

Men wear cheap thongs and ratty rags
to hide their wrinkled dufflebags.
You see, attention is diverted
from parts that may become alerted
when woman takes a look and see
onto the male anatomy.
Don't kid yourself, a man's demeanour
is guided by the little wiener,
you see gray matter does reside
beneath that foreskin's toughened hide.
Proof of the pudding, 'xuse the pun,
is when the action loads the gun
and liquid matter of cognition
erupts within one's field of vision.
A woman, though with much more grace
will stare at first into his face,
but soon her glances drift below
accompanied by Ah and oh,
I mean, for some these histrionics
are for the ambience like tonics.
And add a touch of pheromones
will activate the unnamed bones,
innominates said Spalteholz
he was not cataloguing dolls,
and loins are to the human mind
appendages just made to grind
and also tangle, push and shove
which civil folks call making love.
Well, thank you, reader, your perusal
is homebrew purged of oil of fusel,
I hope you did at least enjoy
the rhyming practice of this boy.

Herbert Nehrlich 2


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