C six H twelve O six,
a rather potent mix,
of carbon and two friends
it's when the friendship ends
that things will go awry,
explain it? I will try.
All carbons have four arms,
amongst their many charms,
each oxygen sports two
while hydrogens make do
with just a single one,
and there begins the fun.
The carbons are for touch,
they stroke and fondle much,
insatiable though
they grab a two armed O
an H gets in between
a real porno scene.
So if you're asking moi
tis a ménage-à-trois,
the finish on the nose
an aldehyde hexose.
The union has poor genes
makes pimples in your teens,
takes nutrients away
from hetero and gay,
the experts still believe
(which proves just how naive
the learned ones can be)
so take it now from me
eat fat right off the land
you need to understand
hence I hereby expose
the poison is the dose
each grain destroys your health
while building untold wealth
for those who fail to see
the truth in chemistry.
Herbert Nehrlich 2