Herbert Nehrlich 2 - Warning

2014-06-16 1

I am writing this perfectly sober,
in the land of the proud and the free,
they will come for you late in October
if you're smart it is time now to flee.

They will jab you against your volition
while pretending to guard all your rights,
like the devil himself on a mission
and with dollars and cents in their sights.

Those who fall for the bearers of stuff
that's enriched with the agent squalene,
and quicksilver to smooth out the rough
it's a new and untested vaccine.

Now the flu, whether porker or chicken
is a harmless light illness for most,
but the plot has commenced now to thicken
they will cover from mountain to coast.

You will fight without hope against guns,
for the land of the proud and the free
now behaves like the Reich of the Huns
and the end is a fait accompli.

Herbert Nehrlich 2
