Herbert Nehrlich 2 - Judgment

2014-06-16 0

Eureka I have found the key
that places the apostrophe.
Not where and when it should be used
or whether syllables be fused
but what it tells me about folks
the peasants and the nerdy blokes,
is simply this, my learned friend,
we crave in life a happy end,
we all acquire real learnings
which then entitle us to earnings
yet some of us, they can not see
phonetics may not ever be
a source that helps us write correctly
but let me tell you now, directly
(this goes for all except my lover)
I judge a book not by its cover
but by the errors on each page.
I often venture to engage
in brief discussions on the net
about our language and you bet
the perpetrators don't agree
with logic or the likes of me!
This morning I was (wow!) invited
to join a team (not to be knighted)
of writers of a writing tank........
I skimmed the text and found it stank,
not once they placed that little comma
correctly, so I told my Momma
and she agreed that it is fair
to just dismiss and not split hair
the one who must be called a DILL
to place apostrophes at will.

Herbert Nehrlich 2


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