As I sit here watching out my window...
to one of the last day's of summer..
and one of our last summer day's in our home...
for we are about to move...
we are about to take on a new adventure.
As I pack the boxes a little memory is taped...
As the day's are being counted the not
knowing what is around the coner, can be..
exciting, but to my husband who suffers...
from Alzheimer's its scary...
as a clock ticks on time he also ticks...
to his time you can set your watch by him...
each day..
he feeds his birds and ducks the same time.
As I watch all the little creatures who have..
made our back yard their home I cant help...
knowing I'll miss them.
For each morning they knew Don would be their..
to feed them
New adventures make life but its hard moving..
towards them.
Now that the ''counting day's'' has started...
I prepare Don and myself for the move.
Soon it will time for last good bye's...
Unearthing the gifts that my green thumb...
produced with..
Mother Natures kiss and...
that will be carefully replanted in our...
new garden.
With last glances and memories tucked...
close to the heart, last big hugs to friends...
I lock the door for the final time.
Time for memories and us to take..
lifes new path new memories to be shared..
with old friends, new memories made with..
new friends.
thank you for the memories.
Sept 2009