2014-06-16 10

LOVE.. Can be as big as an Ocean...
and as as deep and dark.
LOVE.. Can bloom on a Summer...
Day in the park.
LOVE.. Is the way he tilts..
his head watching you read..
''GOOD NIGHT MOON'' to your child.
LOVE.. Is when your partner...
can finish your sentence...
before you.
LOVE.. Love is when your..
three year old walks in..
carring your prize rose...
with dirty face and hands...
look at me 'Mommy'' your flower...
tastes so good.
LOVE.. Can turn like the North Pole's...
Ice, when a once loving man stops...
being nice.
LOVE..Can get as hot as a desert...
Passion and desire flow so hot..
it take's your breath away.
LOVE.. Once touched by those
famous camra's will never..
be the same that once loving wife...
turns into a drama queen...
that husband adorns an earing
rides away on his custom bike...
saying I'm still...
young it's time for a new...
game and a new wife.
LOVE.. Is when a child hugs...
her father's casket and cries...
he was the best ''Daddy''.
LOVE.. Is a Summer rain...
that feels so warm tastes so sweet.
LOVE.. Is when your hand..
fits in his like a...
warm glove.
LOVE..Is when he's laying...
next to you he's the last..
you see at nite.
LOVE.. Is knowing he's the..
only one for me,
