Travis Snell - Dream And Duty

2014-06-16 0

I am two things at once.
Very much like I am both Latino and Caucasian;
I am both poet and soldier.
I enjoy the harsh disciplinary system
That characterizes our fighting men and women.
I also enjoy the unlimited freedom
That lies within the written word.
Unfortunately I am two things
That cannot be one.
Like Jesus was.
He was also two things,
Man and God.
Now don’t get me wrong.
I’m no messiah,
But I guarantee you will see me
Someday on that stage performing what some call truth,
Others call beauty,
And still others call the Devil.
Whatever it may be,
I will not do so without having done my duty
To my country first.
So if you see a headstone
With a rhyme inscribed
Somewhere between the name and the dates,
You will know I’ve done my duty,
And now I’m living my dream,
Even if I’m only living in your dreams

Travis Snell