Abhijit Surve - Dismantled thoughts…..

2014-06-16 1

Need to get rid of this agonizing pain,
Disgruntled thoughts are causing a strain..
My head is overloaded and about to drain,
Got to sit back and rewire my brain..

I think i have grown, people think i have not,
There's a need to resolve this confusing thought..
This conflict of minds is harming me a lot,
For i too am a human being, i am no robot..

Hard like a stone though feelings are there,
A smile on my face but happiness is nowhere..
Why is it always me, this is just not fair,
Why am i alone when people walk in a pair..

To like it or leave it, is what people say,
But can this be true, throughout the day..
If what you like does not come your way,
To bring it to you what price would you pay..

Will i never think of what is neat and prim,
Cause Whatever i think becomes dark and grim..
I will change my thoughts, how hard it may seem,
Cause i don't want to break a loved one's dream..

I did fall in love, not once but twice,
Got rated as affection in order to rationalize..
For i am emotional and don't think this is wise..
Cause all things in life have a practical size,

Yielding emotions and love is not my game,
I am too bad at it, got myself to blame..
There's no one around who considers my name,
If try n times, result would be the the same..

So now i will cherish whatever little i owe,
The relations i share with sweet people i know..
For i want them close to me till the time i go,
I would have all friends and a zero for a foe..

Abhijit Surve
