lalitha iyer - Departures

2014-06-16 5

the soul is in search of
a new body
a new heart
a new hearth
a new song
rain drops
a new mouth

every message sent
settles in a mind
reads the brain
spits the words
the essence paints images
and the sub conscious
soaked with the beauty
gives birth to impulses
every wind accompanies
a fragrance of life
every motion carries
the storm of passion
every day opens up
fluttering are thronging utterances

like a gentle blow to the petal
soft and fragile
aching to persist
yet, failing to exist
just tripped off
by the fabrics of breeze
built of love and affection
familied to imprint singlity
to echo the adhesive bond
of a copulated male and female lawn
it cheats a man
half way up the marathon
the goals all set
down goes the chariot snapped
whistling start was blazing hot
it zoomed into
and made him feel the Piratic snob
here, at this moment,
when death silently snatched
the unseen energy
souling his senses
no more a Proper Noun
just a split of Abstract and Common
a source of new beings alive
to be burnt
a love embodiment soon designed
gone are the articulated personae
into thin invisible air
escapes the inner vitality
softly erasing the solid wordings
deleting the life are the childish hands
no more, no more,
the lips tremble to utter
what is left behind
is an echo in the tunnel
just a bundle of 'if onlys'
just simply nothing
in the gay and gorgeous plumes
in the twitter of multi-toned music
emptiness, killing emptiness speaks of
agony and utter meloncholy choking the strongest.

lalitha iyer