Can I find the patience to wait these last few steps?
I have had such a long journey thru time, space and pain
Suffering that no one should ever be subjected to, most of it self inflicted
And yet here I am on the precipice and I can’t seem to sit on my hands
I want to force these finals rungs I want to control and manipulate
I want to make it happen…to make US happen
To have you back in my life has been my focus for what seems eternity
Here I am waiting as really I always have been
I am sick with anxiety I want this journey to end
The quest is so close to being over I can see the end on the horizon
I am almost home I am almost home
Or is this all just another expectation
Another pain from the journey
Another lesson to be taught and learned
Am I just being negative now?
Am I being doomsday and allowing the failing energy to seep in
Should I remain confident that you are coming back to me?
Should I keep the positive energy flowing.
I ask myself again…
Can I find the patience to wait these last few steps?
Joe Rivas