Gary James Smith - ALL POWER

2014-06-15 11


Lord all power is given Thee
Upon Heaven and Earth
By Thy Resurrection
Thou hast proved Thy worth
Worthy are Thee, O Lamb
The Lamb for sinner's slain
None other name under Heaven is given
More blessed than Thy name

None other name under Heaven is given
Where by we must be saved
Tis only in the name of Jesus
We have victory over the grave
Your power today is as fresh
As fresh as in the past
If you will believe on the Lord Jesus Christ
There's a Salvation that will last

If you will believe on the Lord Jesus Christ
He will set you free
For He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life
Abounding in Grace and in Mercy
Not willing that any should perish
The Father has sent the Son
Plenteous in Mercy and longsuffering
Be saved by the Crucified One

Plenteous in Mercy and longsuffering
The Father bids thee come
His eyes look to and fro over His earth
Is there not one, Is there not one
Spurn not that love from Heaven
But come in full belief
Trust in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
Find your souls sure relief!

Copyright Gary James Smith
April 8,2009 @ 5 a.m

Gary James Smith