DiAnne Douglass - Time Stands Still For The Likes Of Me

2014-06-15 2

Time stands still for the likes of me
Other than this moment, time does not exist
There is no past or future beyond this moment
Just this moment in time exists, and nothing more

The passage of time has no effect on me, ill or otherwise
I do no feel it's passing
It's comings and goings are lost on me

I am stuck - lost - in a timeless era

I do not seem to age, neither physically nor mentally
They say it is only 'natural' for my body to look and feel 'young'
It is merely my age that makes me feel this way
That it is only my youthfulness
But why, then, does my mind not age?

I have felt no progression on my part since grade school
I feel as though the past ten years did not exist
Middle school and high school are a blur to me
No real memories or recollection of that time in my past
I have nothing to prove it ever existed, save for the passing of time

Yes, time has stopped for me
My memory is at a standstill
I have a brain freeze that has lasted nearly a decade
I look no older than a 15 year old girl
A high school sophomore
And I carry virtually the same mentality

Time stands still for the likes of me

DiAnne Douglass
