2014-06-15 2

Most see one day we all must die
As part of nature’s law
Seeing this life now passing by
As though it were no more

Man’s foolishness is growing worse
Living this life in vain
Whilst ignorant of Adam’s curse
Darkness will surely reign

So now of God there’s little fear
Living the devil’s lie
Oblivious that Christ draws near
To call His bride on high

A hardened heart will make us blind
Will plague our wretched soul
Fraught our spirit frustrate our mind
And rob us of our goal

Rebellion’s one of Satan’s ploys
With cheating lies deceit
In men in women girls and boys
He seeks to bring defeat

We must beware of Satan’s ruse
Aware each lustful ploy
Aware to bind aware to loose
Aware to keep life’s joy

If when to love our hearts submit
Love fruits will multiply
For through its use all devil’s quit
And hate lies down to die

Refuse each devil’s cunning ware
Though wrapped it seems in light
Such traps take captive all who share
Clouding our will to fight

Michael P. Johnson
