Silent girl of the river goddess
Why do you speak not of our love
Why do give not our love a try,
For in you I rediscovered my name
My name that was burning
Like wild fire in the harmattan.
You are all I had needed
To attain everlasting happiness.
And your smile;
Shines like the rising sun,
Gave my life light.
My life with you
Has been like a dream
And I don't anymore
Want to return to reality.
When our death comes,
I'll go with you, to somwhere;
Anywhere, and you fate
Shall also be mine.
My aspirations are long lost
In the shadow of your frame
And you are all I ever need
To achieve my aim.
For you, silent girl of the river goddess
Will I sacrifice my everything
To be with you,
In your kingdom of nowhere.
Efe Benjamin