Francis Duggan - Without Our Amazing Earth Mother

2014-06-15 3

To the most highly educated class one can say they do belong
But those who talk of living off of the economy have surely got it wrong
We refer to them as economists yet call them what you may
In saying that we live off of the economy they are wrong in what they say
'Tis true we all are better off in an economy that thrive
But the economy does not grow the food that we need to survive
On this thing known as the economy grass and trees and vegetables do not grow
And on this thing known as the economy water-ways do not flow
The part the economy plays in our survival to say the least seems small
Without our amazing Earth Mother we could not exist at all
'Tis on her very existence the economy is built around
The resources that create material wealth in Nature to be found
Highly educated people but they are wrong when they say
That this thing called the economy a huge part in our existence play.

Francis Duggan